Welfare Wednesday!

Welfare Wednesday! 

Welcome to the 3rd edition of stretching 🤸🏼‍♂️

We’ve all be guilty of forgetting to stretch after a run, that warm shower or yummy post workout meal is far more tempting however…

Did you know
Deciding to ditch the stretching after a run can hinder your recovery and increase your risk of injury. Stretching after a run helps to reduce soreness and gets rid of waste products, such as lactic acid which could impact your next run

What stretches should I do after a run
Static stretches after a run are so important, they help to relax and elongate muscle which increases range of motion and flexibility. It decreases stiffness and reduces acute strains/injuries. 

Take a look at this video for some brilliant static stretch examples. 

Try to include some or all of these before a run to help activate your muscles. 

Pop back next Wednesday for your final top tip of the month❗️ 

In the meantime… 🧘🏼 Happy stretching 🧘🏼‍♀️

The Welfare Team! 


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Club Night