Welfare Wednesday

Welcome to April’s edition 🌸

This month we are going to focus in on our mental Health, raising awareness and signposting you to where you can get professional help if you feel you need it 💙 

On Saturday 30th March it was World Bipolar day…

Everyone experiences changes in their mood, but bipolar disorder can cause these changes to feel distressing and it has a big impact on your life. 

If you have bipolar you may experience times where you feel extremely low (depression) and other times where you feel high (mania or hypomania). Some people may experience these two feelings at the same time which is called a mixed episode.  

If you are supporting someone with bipolar disorder give them the space to open up about their experience and let them know that you want to understand. Everyone can have different experiences so try to avoid making assumptions that every change in mood is a sign they are unwell. 

Whether you or someone you know is experiencing bipolar disorder, there is help and advice available through Mind or by calling Samaritans 📞

We know that some topics covered over the next few weeks may be triggering for members so please do come and speak to us if you are struggling, we are always here to help 

The Welfare Team ☺️


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