Club Updates

Coaching Greg Strutton Coaching Greg Strutton

Training Session

Another great training session with our partner Destination RUN Coaching in Farnham Park.

Always the best sessions, with a good warmup skills and drills before the main element, which this week was a relay.

These sessions are tailored for all abilities, and each individual can take part within their own running zone.

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Coaching Greg Strutton Coaching Greg Strutton

Training Session

Another busy mixed ability coaching session with Andy and Brian from Destination Run Coaching.

Up at Caesars Camp completing 6 x half KM pacing, up and down what seem a gentle slope but really tested the legs.

The weather was on our side today and it ended up the perfect temperature for an early morning sprint to set up a great Sunday.

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Coaching Greg Strutton Coaching Greg Strutton

Training Session

Well we now know why is it called Sunday, as it was shining brightly all yesterday morning and felt like Spring.

20 runners joined Andy Stopher and Brian Stopher from Destination Run Coaching at one of our favourite locations Caesars Camp.

This was a mixed ability session consisting of interval loops that are all about pacing at your own speed. Great to have some or our new runners joining us.

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Coaching Greg Strutton Coaching Greg Strutton

Training Session

We are fortunate to work with Bryan and Andy who deliver excellent coaching sessions to our members, with drills, technique, form, endurance and speed.

Tonight we headed to Fleet for a hill training session and it was brilliant. Suitable for all levels and tailored to support our members, the coaches took us through a warm up run, drills and then onto the main session.

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Coaching Greg Strutton Coaching Greg Strutton

Training Session

Another great session with Destination Run Coaching in Farnborough tonight. 10km pace tempo loop followed by 6 x 2 min reps. We love these Thursday sessions with DRC that cater for all abilities and open to everyone at the club!

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Coaching Greg Strutton Coaching Greg Strutton

Training Session

Another great session with Brian and Andy from Destination RUN Coaching focusing on form, speed and endurance. Preparing members for 2023 races, identifying areas to work on, tips on posture, use of arms to power the legs on through and maintaining pace.

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Coaching Greg Strutton Coaching Greg Strutton

Club Session

We love our sessions with Destination RUN Coaching. Another reason to come and try us out....come on you know you want to!

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