Welfare Wednesday

Welcome to Novembers edition of Welfare Wednesday!

Firstly, HOW are we in November already!? Madness 🙈

Secondly, the clocks have well and truly gone back by an hour and it is now dark by 5pm - again, madness 🌚

Your safety is our priority so this month we are going to share some tips and tricks on how to stay safe whilst running in the dark.

As I said last week…


If you don’t have one already it’s time to bag yourself one. It is so important that you can be seen whilst you are out running in the dark or low light, morning or evening. Wearing a light is the most effective way to be seen by passing traffic and other road users, even if you’re running on a road with lots of street lamps.

Check out your committee’s light recommendation: Chest light

Another great way to be seen is by wearing a piece of fluorescent or reflective clothing, perhaps a high-viz jacket or if you’re feeling fancy you could get yourself some reflective leggings, t-shirt or jacket!

But what’s the difference between fluorescent and high-viz?

High visibility clothing - these are designed with retro-reflective materials that reflect light back to its source. This is extremely effective when illuminated by headlights, making these garments ideal for runners.

Fluorescent clothing - these garments are dyed with bright and eye-catching colours which is highly visible during daylight hours. However these garments lose their effectiveness in the dark so make sure you pair your garment with something reflective too.

Comment below with any recommendations you have for lights or reflective clothing and let’s light up the streets over the next few months!

The Welfare Team 💡


Medal Monday